Since January 2018, the AMU multimodality mesocentre is operated by members of the Aix-Marseille Intensive Computing Center (Centre de Calcul Intensif d’Aix-Marseille, CCIAM).
Director: Yannick Carissan – Assistant professor AMU
Technical staff:
- Annie Clement – Research Engineer, Technical Manager of Physical Infrastructure
- Matvey Sapunov – Research Engineer, Technical Manager of Software Infrastructure
They are responsible for ensuring the proper functioning and evolution of the facilities of the mesocenter. They facilitate the access and the use of the calculation means and produce technical documents and indicators of use. To contact the technical team of the mesocenter, please send a message to or by phone.
Scientific commitee
This committee provides animation and promotion to the academic community of the activities of the mesocentre and oversees its scientific evolution. He is regularly asked to evaluate the scientific projects proposed for allocation to the mesocenter. It is consulted by the management of the CCIAM for any major change in the missions and resources of the AMU multimodality mesocentre.
Members :
- Yannick Carissan (Directeur du CCIAM)
- Cristinel Diaconu (Directeur du CPPM)
- CT1 (Environnement) : Yannick Donnadieu (CEREGE)
- CT2a et CT2b (Écoulements non réactifs + Écoulements réactifs et multiphasiques) : Marc Medale (IUSTI)
- CT3 (Biologie et santé) : Lionel Spinelli (CIML)
- CT4 (Astrophysique et géophysique) : Paul Cristini (LMA)
- CT5 (Physique théorique et physique des plasmas) : Nicolas Dubuit (PIIM)
- CT6 (Informatique, algorithmique et mathématiques) : Benoit Favre (LIS)
- CT7 (Modélisation moléculaire appliquée à la biologie) : Felix Rico (INSERM)
- CT8 (Chimie quantique et modélisation moléculaire) : Pascal Boulet (Département de Chimie)
- CT9 (Physique chimie et propriété des matériaux) : Dmytro Kandaskalov (IM2NP)
- CT10 (Intelligence artificielle et applications transversales du calcul) : Hubert Ekongolo (IRPHE)
- CT11 (Autres thématiques) : Christian Henriot (ALLSH)
- External member : Christophe Chipot (Université de Lorraine)
Technical commitee
Including the technical managers of the CCIAM as well as technical representatives of AMU research units involved in AMU’s multimodality mesocentre activities, the members of this committee are in charge of examining the technical, software and hardware needs, and proposing evolutions to improve the services rendered.
- Annie Clement – Campus Etoile / Saint Jérôme
- Matvey Sapunov – Campus Etoile / Saint Jérôme
- Umberto D’Ortona – M2P2 – Campus Etoile / Chateau Gombert.
HPCboost Scientific Committee
Consult the space dedicated to the high-performance computing platform for numerical simulations “Risks, Safety, Security”
Last updated : 11 July 2024